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Be Smart

Be Smart is a ‘Learning to Learn’ resource and is part of our suite of ‘performance boosters’. These are resources designed to help your learners explore their considerable capacity to learn and to help your school implement ‘Learning to Learn’ strategies in practical, hands-on ways.

Be Smart aims to show each pupil that they have huge potential and ability to learn. In this short online programme students will work through 5 Sessions that will highlight their limitless capacity to learn and ways that they can improve their learning even further.

Learners will discover:

  • The enormous learning capacity that is in every brain
  • The vast amount of information that they have already learnt
  • How many people stop themselves from learning and what can be done about it
  • The different ways that people are intelligent
  • How simple daily actions can improve their ability to learn.
Be Smart - Good for: Revision, motivational study, working in tutorial groups

Resource details

During this short programme, learners will work through 5 Sessions.

Session 1

Salute your brilliant brain

In this Session learners will discover that:

  • They have a brilliant brain
  • Their brain has unlimited potential.

Session 2

Map your massive learning capability

This Session shows students that:

  • They already have a huge amount of knowledge
  • They are an expert on certain subjects
  • They are learning new things every day
  • They have the potential to learn much more.

Session 3

Attack the gremlins

In this Session students will learn that:

  • ‘Gremlins’ are negative thoughts that can prevent them from learning effectively
  • The gremlins are not real and they need to challenge them.

Session 4

Recognise your talent

This Session helps learners to discover that:

  • There are many different types of intelligence
  • People learn in different ways.

Session 5

Take action!

This Session helps learners to improve their ability to learn by:

  • Ensuring that their brain is ready to learn – they stay healthy, relax and have written learning goals
  • Laying out a step-by-step approach that shows them how to keep going when things appear difficult.
Be Smart screenshot

All current learners will find a ‘Learning to Learn’ tab in the navigation bar of their My Study area – Be Smart can be found here.

Other 'Learning to Learn' options: